You help us change lives. ALMS HOUSE is always looking for ways to get our community involved. Our volunteers come in all ages and abilities - we believe in the people's power to make a change in the world!  Together there is nothing we can not do!!


ALMS HOUSE is blessed to have the dedicated support of many volunteers, with most having spent several years with our agency.  


We are excited to offer the following opportunities:


Love Luncheons

Anyone interested in supporting the Love Lunch program can always help us by picking up meals and serving them.  Please contact program coordinator Grilley J Mitchell at 910-476-3719 or email him at: to participate.


Food Pantry


Food pantry volunteers help with sorting donated foods and making emergency food assistance packages.


Minimum requirements: Must be 18 years of age if unaccompanied by an adult.


Thrift Store


Thrift Store volunteers assist with hanging and folding donated clothing.  Organizing and shelving new merchandise.  Merchandise items and alphabetize books and other items.  Light cleaning (sweeping, dusting, etc.).


Minimum requirements: Must be 18 years of age if unaccompanied by an adult.


Food Drives


ALMS HOUSE partners with agencies, congregations, and community groups to hold food drives during the year.  You can support us directly or even host your own.


Want to organize a food drive for ALMS HOUSE Hope Mills?


For more details or to organize a food drive, please call 910-425-0902 or email:



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